Presentation Skills Training - Group

Presentation Skills Training - Group

Presentation Skills Training - Group

Putting Power, Punch and Pizzazz into Your Presentations

Presentation Skills Training - Group

Whether you speak to one person or a 1000, getting your message across in a clear, concise and engaging manner is essential to your success. Winning Presentation Skills will provide you with the proven tools, tips, and techniques you 'must have' to design, develop, and deliver powerful presentations.

What You Will Learn:

of Arnold's programs are customized to meet your needs, your challenges, and your concerns. All programs can be offered as a keynote, breakout, seminar, workshop, or training program. Some or all of the following may apply.

• Characteristics of successful presenters.

• The 12 most common mistakes presenters make

• 5 steps to overcome speakers anxiety

• Overcome nervousness, anxiety, and fear, once and for all.

• How to build instant rapport and connect with the audience.

• How to SOFTEN your image to boost your credibility, likeability, and trust.

• Understanding your audience and how to adapt your presentation style to persuade, motivate, and influence.

• 3 sure-fire tech

Group Presentation Skills Professional Development Program:

This half or full day program will be an intensive, interactive, 'how-to' overview of all the key aspects involved in what makes up a great presentation. This program will be very interactive with exercises, discussions, video and 'how-to' content. In addition, a few people will volunteer to provide a 7 to 10 minute presentations. The purpose is for the participants to learn by watching the presentations and hearing the feedback. I will also provide feedback and provide ways to improve. We will also discuss how to build rapport, relationships and connect with others before, during and after a presentation. The half or full day program works best with a maximum of 25 people per session.